Saint Peters, PA
376 feet
June 3, 2007
Average Day Temperature:
Average Night Temperature:
The beginning of Our Quest adventure was to see family first. So we set off to see Tom's family first. They were closer and lived in Pottstown, PA.
First thing in the morning, Tom and I packed up and set out. As we left Karen's farm, Tom drove his car. Until he sold his car, we had to drive separately. We were planning to leave his car at my parent's home, our second stay. I drove our Traveling Talisman with Benny and Buddy safely snuggled in their carriers and my van in tow. We were relying on walkie-talkies and/or our cell phones for the first two stays of our adventure. The walkie-talkies stopped working, for what reason we do not know. Unfortunately, we got on the highway going the wrong direction. No problem, we both got off the first exit. There happened to be a warehouse parking lot to turn around in. So, we both turned around and got back on the highway in the correct direction. We got off our exit and found ourselves in the hills. Our cell phones were now out of tower range and our walkie-talkies still were not working. Our Quest adventure in the winding up hill and down hill tops was beautiful. We were doing great until we miss our turn. Now we needed to find a way to turn our 36 foot Traveling Talisman around, with toe. The next intersection, we disconnected the van. Tom helped by watching for traffic as I turned our rig around. Then we reconnected the van and continued our adventure.
We made it to Warwick Woods Family Camping Resort in Saint Peters, PA. Our campsite was picked for us and exactly what we were looking for. It was a pull through with full hook up.
 Pull In Click on image to see larger view
 Pull Out Click on image to see larger view
This was great because we had no reason to disconnect the van again until we reached our next stay. The weather was cloudy with scattered showers. We didn't mind the weather and the location of our site disabling our connection to our server via internet. To us this stay was perfect because we didn't always want to be working. The last two months was spent getting everything ready for our Quest. It was time for us to enjoy a weekend without working. We also wanted to spend this time with Tom's families.
Tom has two siblings and two surviving parents. Today Tom's brother, Michael, visited with a friend, Markella. We spent time talking about the past and our future on Our Quest. Tomorrow we will see Tom's parents. His sister was not able to make it.
June 4, 2007
Today is Tom's 51st birthday. Tom invited his parents to our campground. He wanted to see them before we went our adventure. It was very nice to see his parents (Tom and Peggy). They brought dinner with them. We had a Boston Market chicken dinner with all the fixings. Before Tom and Peggy came to visit, I thought I'd photograph our campsite. To see images I took of our campsite, click here.
June 5, 2007
This morning Tom and I packed up camp and headed for our second stay in North Syracuse, NY.
Remember to visit travelingtalisman.com by Tom Reider.